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Speed Writing: From Original Title Vocabulary to New Title as Headline

Are you tired of slow note-taking during meetings or lectures? Do you wish you could capture all the important details without missing a beat? Look no further than the innovative technique of speed writing.

Using this method, you can quickly and effectively capture information by focusing on key vocabulary in a given sentence or phrase. Here's how it works:


First, read the original title vocabulary and identify the most important words or concepts. For example, if the original title is "The Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health," you might focus on words like "meditation," "benefits," and "mental health."

Next, use these key words to create a new title as a headline. In this case, the new title could be "Meditation: A Mental Health Game Changer."

Once you've identified the key words and created a new title, you can use shorthand symbols or abbreviations to quickly capture notes during the meeting or lecture. For example, you might use an asterisk to indicate an important point or underline a keyword for emphasis.

If you're new to speed writing, it may take some practice to become comfortable with the technique. Start by focusing on short sentences and gradually work your way up to longer paragraphs.

In addition to its use during meetings and lectures, speed writing can also be beneficial for taking quick notes during phone calls or brainstorming sessions. And because it allows you to capture information quickly, you'll have more time to review and process your notes later on.

And there you have it – with the innovative technique of speed writing, you can efficiently capture all the important details without missing a beat.

So next time you're in a meeting or lecture, give speed writing a try and see how it can transform your note-taking experience.