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中英互译翻译在线,原标题:Celebrity chef Marco Pierre White reveals secret to perfect crispy roast potatoes – and it's all about the flour新标题:Crispy perfection Marco Pierre White's roast potato hack uncovered


随着节日的临近,许多人都开始为晚餐菜单做准备。烤土豆是许多家庭节日餐桌上的必不可少的一道菜肴。但如何将土豆烤得外酥里嫩的却是一门大学问。幸运的是,世界著名厨师Marco Pierre White分享了他烤土豆的秘诀。






As the holiday season approaches, many people are preparing their dinner menus. Roast potatoes are an essential dish for many families on the holiday table. However, the art of achieving the perfect crispy and tender roast potatoes can be a challenge. Fortunately, celebrity chef Marco Pierre White has revealed his secret to perfect roast potatoes.

In a recent interview, the renowned British chef revealed that his roast potato hack involves adding flour. He suggests boiling the potatoes first and then tossing them in a pan with a dusting of flour. Gently shake the pan to evenly coat the potatoes.

According to White, the flour creates a crispy coating on the outside of the potato, which seals in the moisture and protects it from drying out during the cooking process. Additionally, the flour creates a delicious golden brown crust on the surface of the potato, making it even more tasty.

White also shared his secret to choosing the perfect type of potatoes for roasting. He recommends using drier varieties of potatoes, such as Maris Piper and Rooster. Moist varieties like King Edward, Desiree, and Duke of York are not suitable for roasting.

中英互译翻译在线,原标题:Celebrity chef Marco Pierre White reveals secret to perfect crispy roast potatoes – and it's all about the flour新标题:Crispy perfection Marco Pierre White's roast potato hack uncovered

He also advises that larger potato chunks are better for achieving the desired crispy texture. Preheating oil and butter on the roasting pan can also help to achieve a perfect crispy and tender texture.

中英互译翻译在线,原标题:Celebrity chef Marco Pierre White reveals secret to perfect crispy roast potatoes – and it's all about the flour新标题:Crispy perfection Marco Pierre White's roast potato hack uncovered

In conclusion, there are many details to consider when roasting potatoes. But with White's expertise, roasting potatoes can become simpler and more practical, with the ability to easily achieve crispy and tender results. Give this hack a try and see if it takes your roast potatoes to the next level!